Why is Water Leaking into My Garage?

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It’s normal to see small accumulations of water on your garage floor that were caused by strong rainstorms or melting snow. They are usually easy to clean up or evaporate with no issues, but there may be a problem if you are finding more than the occasional puddle. Water accumulation in corners or odd spots that are causing damage need to be attended to. While looking for a garage door leak is a good place to start, there are many other sources to consider.

Here are some areas to check for water leakage.

  1. Damaged or Broken Door Seals – If the gasket, or bottom seal, of the garage door is damaged or torn, it will let in water, debris, and unwanted animal pests.
  2. Garage Door Problems – Things like the door being off of its alignment or other damage could also be allowing water into your garage.
  3. Rain Gutters – Water can pool and seep into the garage if there are no gutters to drain the water away from the house or if the existing gutters are leaking.
  4. Surrounding Terrain – Gravity might be causing the water to flow naturally to its lowest point which might be the floor of your garage.
  5. Deteriorating Seams – Seals around windows and doors may need fresh caulk to keep moisture out.
  6. Sill Plate Deterioration – If the sill plates at the foundation of your home have been damaged by decay or termites, they could be the source of the problem.
  7. Plumbing Issues – A leaky pipe or water heater can cause water damage.
  8. Missing Shingles or Moisture Barriers – Damaged roofing or siding might be allowing the water to get into your garage.

Floor cracks and pitting can pave the way for more damage that occurs over time. Water that continually soaks wood framing and drywall leads to structural damage, the possible formation of mold, and very costly repairs.

Garage door repairs, such as replacing the gasket, may be the solution. An experienced, fully insured, trusted garage door company will provide trained experts who can identify the problem and guide you through the repair process to include choosing a new door if necessary. If you are having a water problem in your garage, contact Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors, Inc., for a consultation.