Common Winter Door Problems and How to Fix Them


For people living in colder climates, winter can be harsh and destructive. Icy winters can produce a number of troubles. Car batteries are strained, walkways become slippery, and garage doors can start having problems. Many of these issues can be resolved without enlisting a professional. Check out these common winter door problems and how to fix them. 

Ineffective Lubricant

In warm temperatures, lubricants are more runny and can move around easily. During the winter, lubricants become more dense, and heavy grease may not move easily enough to properly lubricate the garage door opener. Lubrication reduces the amount of work a motor must perform in order to open the garage door. If a heavy grease has been used, apply an even coat of a silicone-based lubricant. A local hardware store will most likely carry a product designed specifically for garage doors.

Frozen Garage Door

During periods of prolonged freezing, garage doors may become frozen and refuse to budge. Frozen garage doors are highly inconvenient, and they can cause further damage to the garage door opener. An immobile door strains the motor, and pieces of the door itself can break if the door is forced open. Where the door meets the ground, remove any existing ice with hot water and a snow shovel. Once the area is clear and dry-ish, apply ice melt as needed. Regular snow removal can prevent future icing.

Fatigued Metal Parts

Metal parts (such as springs) often face additional strain during winter months. More force is often required to open the door in the cold, due to less lubrication and other issues. The increased work can advance a metal part from being strained to outright fatigued. Cold temperatures often render moving parts brittle, and more likely to snap. To avoid potential damages, replace worn parts before they have a chance to break.

Winter can be a festive time for visits and winter sports. The cold season, however, is a time when extra precautions must be taken. Preventative measures can improve the lifespan of the door opener while preventing lockouts. If you run into any of these common garage door problems this winter, the solution may be rather simple.

If your garage door is causing your problems, schedule a service call with Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors, Inc. experts.  For more helpful information about maintaining your garage door, browse the Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors, Inc. blog