• How to Choose Garage Door Windows

    Garage Door Windows

    5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Garage Door Windows

    As with every window and door you select for your home, garage door windows play a crucial role in establishing a style. But they also add an element of functionality and purpose. Here’s a list of factors to help you choose the right window for your residential garage door.

    Natural Light

    One of the benefits of garage door windows is that they allow natural light to flow into the garage. This means you won’t have to rely on light fixtures to light up your garage except during nighttime. This can be convenient during the day when you just need to quickly grab or store something in the garage.

    Curb Appeal

    If you have a front-facing garage door, having a window that matches the pattern, texture, and style of the rest of your home’s windows can go a long way toward enhancing your property’s curb appeal and value. With the selection of windows available from Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors, Inc., it’s easy to find an option that will match your decoration theme.

    Heavy Windows

    Heavy windows are generally more durable. However, it’s important to keep in mind that they will also add more weight to the entire door structure. This means you may have to upgrade the spring system to handle the extra weight.

    Insulated Windows

    The best way to maintain the energy efficiency and functionality of your garage door is to purchase windows that are insulated. Adding life to your garage door requires the same careful considerations dedicated to other features in your home.

    Safety and Privacy

    Today’s residential garage door styles incorporate elements of safety and privacy. There are many window options to choose from, such as tinted, seeded, and frosted, all of which provide privacy while you are in the garage. Then some windows are purely functional, such as impact-rated glass suitable for regions with frequent high-speed winds and high-altitude glass for homes situated in higher altitudes.

    Whether you want simple elegance that defines your contemporary home or a graceful arched style that provides a focal point, you can find all types of garage windows customized and suited to your needs at Giel Garage Doors.